In recent times, camel milk has come in the lime light for its alleged potential therapeutic benefits, that some even call “white gold” which is capable of fixing a whole host of diseases and disorders. It’s the latest health-fad drink. You may have never heard of camel milk before but in the Middle East it has been used for centuries for its health benefits. It’s hard not to be a little skeptical when it comes to yet another super food product, but if you look into the research a little more, you may come to think that camel milk may be worth a try for health issues such as food allergies, lactose intolerance, insulin imbalances, and autism. If you don’t know whether or not camel milk is for you, here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to help you decide.
Alternative to cows milk – Camel milk contains less lactose than cow’s milk and claims to be the most tolerated milk by the human body. Camel milk is a good choice for individuals who have allergies to cows milk and are looking for alternatives.
Healing Properties
Diabetes – Camel milk claims to significantly reduce insulin and maintain blood sugar levels making it a potential treatment for diabetics. However, more extensive studies will need to be carried out to prove the effectiveness of this treatment.
Autism – Camel milk for children with autism appears to be a promising treatment. Some studies highlight that camel milk has a significant positive effect on autism behaviours in children. However, further studies have been strongly recommended.
Similar to mother’s milk – An interesting fact that has emerged from the research is, that camel milk consists of immunoglobulins and in that way is similar to breast milk. These are said to reduce allergic reactions and strengthen the response to food in children.
Immunity – Camel milk has powerful antimicrobial abilities, which can help boost the immune system.
Vitamins and minerals – Camel milk is said to be richer in zinc, iron, potassium, copper, sodium, calcium, and vitamin B and vitamin C than cow’s milk.
$$$ Cost – To reap the benefits from camel milk the recommended daily consumption is at least 1-2 glasses and at around $32 a litre this is a great expense. Some people are willing to pay this much for milk, but in the case of everyday families it is simply not affordable.
Availability – Chances are that you won’t find camel milk in your everyday supermarket so you may need to shop around in health food stores to find quality milk.

Could it be that camel milk is just another super food fad and too good to be true? So far research is promising about the health benefits of camel milk but there is no doubt that more extensive studies need to be undertaken to prove its claims. If a well balanced diet and exercise routine is not enough to combat some of the above mentioned illnesses or you’re just feeling adventurous, then camel milk may be worth a try if you are willing to pay the price.
Agrawal RP, Jain S, Shah S, Chopra A, Agarwal V. Effect of camel milk on glycemic control and insulin requirement in patients with type 1 diabetes: 2-years randomized controlled trial. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2011 Sep 1;65(9):1048-52.
Al-Ayadhi LY, Halepoto DM, Al-Dress AM, Mitwali Y, Zainah R. Behavioral Benefits of Camel Milk in Subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons–Pakistan: JCPSP. 2015 Nov;25(11):819-23.
Claeys WL, Verraes C, Cardoen S, De Block J, Huyghebaert A, Raes K, Dewettinck K, Herman L. Consumption of raw or heated milk from different species: An evaluation of the nutritional and potential health benefits. Food Control. 2014 Aug 31;42:188-201.
Patel AS, Patel SJ, Patel NR, Chaudhary GV. Importance of camel milk-An alternative dairy food. Journal of Livestock Science (ISSN online 2277-6214).;7:19-25.
Shori AB. Camel milk as a potential therapy for controlling diabetes and its complications: A review of in vivo studies. journal of food and drug analysis. 2015 Dec 31;23(4):609-18.
Tagliazucchi D, Shamsia S, Conte A. Release of angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides during in vitro gastro-intestinal digestion of camel milk. International Dairy Journal. 2016 May 31;56:119-28.