Although humans are one species, we are all very different. We have different body shapes, different genetic makeups and different past relationships with food.
For this reason, nutritional advice should be designed to suit the individual and one “diet” does not fit all.
For example, the BMI or body mass index is a general guide for a desirable healthy weight range, but this weight range does not suit everyone. Your ideal weight range may not fall within the BMI recommendations, but still be a healthy weight.
Perhaps, your weight does fall within the BMI recommendations, but you eat an unhealthy and highly processed diet.
Your relationship with food may mean that you eat for your sadness, loneliness and happiness – food being your emotional crutch.
In summary, there are many reasons for not eating a healthy diet, and your reasons are individual for you. Therefore, effective lifestyle recommendations should be personally structured to suit you – the individual.
Accredited Dietitian Nutritionists are skilled at understanding their client and giving personal recommendations that are geared to support their client to best achieve their health goals.
Three Changes to Your Eating Habits for Maximum Health Improvement
What will your three changes be????

There are many reasons why are our eating habits are not as healthy and balanced as they could be.
Perhaps we have an unhealthy relationship with food, or have many food dislikes or can’t or won’t exercise. It could be our attitude to “dieting” or unrealistic goals.
Some common reasons why we don’t achieve our optimal eating goals are outlined below:
- I want to lose weight very fast
- I want to look like a supermodel/bodybuilder
- I am too busy to eat well
- I snack and graze all the time
- I don’t like the taste of healthy food
- I don’t really know what I should be eating
- I don’t eat breakfast
- I don’t have time to exercise
- I don’t like to exercise
- I am a shift worker and don’t know how to plan my meals
- It is too painful to walk
- I hate being hungry
- I feel hungry all the time
- My portion size is really big
- I am an emotional eater
- I don’t know how to cook
- I eat at night
- I am very fussy with my food
- I don’t know how to choose healthy commercial foods
And others.
Choose any 3 of the above that most negatively impact on your eating.
Concentrate on those 3 factors for right now, and see your eating habits and health improve.
Your Accredited Dietitian Nutritionist is an expert in finding the factors that have the greatest negative impact on your eating habits and giving practical solutions on how to tackle those factors head on for optimal nutrition health and well being.
Author: Maya McColm is an Accredited Dietitian Nutritionist and CEO of NERO Resources. NERO (Nutrition Education Resources Online) is technology platform that provides evidence based nutritional advice and professional support via the app. Register for free via www.nero4me.com.au.